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Saved by Jennifer Holdier
on September 6, 2009 at 9:40:14 pm


Chapter two is all about physical-symbol systems. Physical-symbol systems are artificial intelligence systems that are encoded with various symbols, and are able to act in situations according to the symbols. Clark gives the example of a system going to a restaurant. It is encoded with symbols that tell it to walk to the table, read the menu, order, pay the check and tip the waiter, among other things. I think that this is amazing. However, I agree with the objection in 2.2 B, “Everyday Coping.” Clark presents a criticism brought forth by Hubert Dreyfus about how the systems cannot possibly be programmed with the immense knowledge that humans have, and learn everyday. It seems like there are an infinite number of possible situations, and to be able to program a system to cope with every single one would be incredible. There is something about being human and being able to cope with daily life that would be very hard to program into an artificial intelligence system.

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