
Lead discussion, present

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on August 21, 2007 at 11:11:34 am

Here are the available dates for leading disussion, presenting. More advanced issues should obviously be presented later in the course. ch 1, 2 etc. refer to chapters in Mindware that we will discuss.


Week 3 Friday (ch 1):


Week 4 Friday (ch 2):


Week 5 Friday (ch 3):


Week 6 Friday (ch 4):


Week 7 Friday (ch 5):


Week 8 Friday (ch 6):


Week 9 Friday (ch 7):


Week 10 Friday (ch 8):


Week 11 Friday (extra readings):


Week 12 Friday (extra readings:


Week 13 Friday (extra readings):


In weeks 14 and 15 we will do advanced material of your choosing.



Week 14


  • Monday:


  • Wednesday:


  • Friday:


Week 15


  • Monday:


  • Wednesday:


  • Friday:

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